German American Law Journal :: Articles Edition
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Berliner, Corcoran & Rowe Alumni Books and Publications

Berliner, Corcoran & Rowe LLP Alumni Books and Publications
on German American Law
Ulrich Bäumer is the author of a practice manual of legal aspects in e-commerce transactions in Schiffer/Schubert (eds.) Recht, Wirtschaft und Steuern im E-Business, published in 2002 by NWB publishers in Herne, Germany, among his many other published works. He practices international law with PWC in Frankfurt, Germany.

Kevin Copp served as an editorial adviser to the German American Law Journal during his BCR internship and became Deutsche Telekom's general counsel for international matters.

Justus Ernestus co-authored, inter alia, Die Ausfuhr medizinischer Porukte in die USA, in MTD Medizinisch-Technischer Dialog 11/1993, p. 85. He is a founder and senior partner at Ernestus Daub & Coll. in Rostock.

Andreas Günther: Produkthaftung für Informationsgüter: Verlagserzeugnisse, Software und Multimedia im deutschen und US-amerikanischen Produkthaftungsrecht, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Köln, 2001. The author, an Oberregierungsrat in the German Federal Ministry of Justice, wrote this 778 page seminal analysis as a his postgraduate thesis and performed some research for it while serving as an international BCR intern in 1996. He has published extensively on intellectual property issues and ran, with Prof. Jochen Schneider of München, one of the earliest German online legal publications.

Franziska Helm-Busch contributed Verschärfte Exportkontrollen in der Schweiz und Bundesrepublik Deutschland to 2 German American Law Journal 4 (1992) during her international BCR internship.

Friederike Heidmeier's article Die Gesellschaftsformen des US-amerikanischen Rechts appeared in Internationale Wirtschaftsbriefe Nr. 4 on February 26, 2003. Her initial overview of corporations and partnerships, written during her BCR internship appeared here.

Christoph Hölscher: Die Reform des US-Exportkontrollrechts, Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 1998. He also authored or co-authored The New European Law of Export Controls in an International Perspective, 20 World Competition Law and Economics Review 79 (1996), and The Wassenaar-Arrangement Between International Trade, Non-Proliferation, and Export Controls, 32 World Competition Law and Economics Review 45 (1998).

Thomas Hüttemann, Forderungseinzug vor und im Konkurs in den USA, 16 Internationale Wirtschaftsbriefe 243 (Herne/Berlin 1993), provided, with C. Kochinke, an overview of U.S. bankruptcy law and procedure.

Stephan Koch, Die Abwehr von Dumping, Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft Heidelberg 1989, analysed, on the basis of U.S. law, options for the European anti-dumping approach.

Regine Nowack, The Legal Environment for International Investment in Belize, in: U.S. Taxation of International Operations, Prentice Hall Information Services 1989, co-authored during her BCR internship. She is also the author of Einschränkung der Rechtsprechung des EuGH zur Auslegung der Niederlassungsfreiheit gemäß Art. 52 EWG-Vertrag, 14 Betriebsberater 982 (1993), Erwägungen zu den Diskriminierungsverboten im Internationalen Steuerrecht und für beschrärankte Steuerpflicht, StVj 362 (1993), EG-Niederlassungsfreiheit und steuerliche Belastung von Selbständigen, 4 DZWir 150 (1994) and Vereinbarkeit der Vorschriften über die Besteuerung beschränkt Steuerpflichtiger mit den Personenverkehrsfreiheiten des EWG-Vertrages, Herne/Berlin 1994, among others.

Malte Schipper's Neue Instrumente des Datenschutzrechts für das Verhältnis zwischen Privatperson und Unternehmen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika is his doctoral dissertation published in 2003 by Thomas Hoeren and Bernd Holznagel (editors) in their series on information, telecommunication and media law. The book analyzes personal data protection as it relates to business under German and U.S. law.

Andreas Schmidt contributed Originality Requirements for Software under U.S. and German Law to 1 German American Law Journal 13 (1991) as an international associate with BCR.

Nils Schumacher-Deutzmann, Spotright Legal News and Services, Düsseldorf, 1999 - , www. The author is DataBecker's general counsel in its Düsseldorf headquarters and runs this legal information service as a pro bono activity. He was with Berliner, Corcoran & Rowe, LLP in 1994 where he wrote Das Preussische Allgemeine Landrecht Feiert Geburtstag, 4 German American Law Journal 47 (1994) and Neue Entwicklungen im Deutschen Wirtschaftsrecht: Warenzeichen und Marken, 4 German American Law Journal 66 (1994), among many other publications.

Stephan Wilske wrote, inter alia, Die völkerrechtswidrige Entführung und ihre Rechtsfolgen, Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2000, and Jurisdiction Over Persons Abducted in Violation of International Law in the Aftermath of United States v. Alvarez-Machian, 5 The Journal of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, The University of Chicago Law School Roundtable, 205 (1998), with Teresa Schiller, USA Bewerbungsführer für Juristen, DAJV, Bonn 2003 (ed. with C. Kochinke), as well as Zustellung von Klagen auf Punitive Damages in Deutschland, 5 German American Law Journal 129 (1995). With French, German and American law degrees and after an international BCR internship in Washington, DC, he is now a partner with Gleiss Lutz Hootz Hirsch at its Stuttgart headquarters.

Rosella Wuhrmann, Bermuda: A Base for International Business, in: U.S. Taxation of International Operations, Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1995, co-authored during her BCR internship.

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